Redwood Configuration Steps to connect to SAP satellite systems

The SAP module allows you to connect to SAP Systems, and provides the default SAP job definitions.
SAP CPS requires an RFC user on every SAP AS (ABAP) system with specific privileges and connection details which are stored in SAP Systems repository objects.

  • Setting up XBP 2.0 functionality on SAP Systems offering XBP 2.0.
  • Setting up an SAP RFC user with the necessary privileges and connecting to SAP Systems.
  • Using the default SAP job definitions
  • Setting up Message Driven Beans Scheduling

The following two combinations are frequently used:

Connection to a message server
MSHOST=<MS host> R3NAME=<SID> GROUP=<group>

Connection to a central or dialogue instance
ASHOST=<CI/DI-hostname> SYSNR=<Sys-Number> TRACE=0


The configuration for each SAP System is managed through the Environment > SAP Systems view. No standard SAP Systems are provided with SAP CPS.
For each SAP System, you can configure the following:
  • General settings like name and RFC connect string.
  • One or more client connections for the XBP interface.
  • Zero or more job control rules.
  • Zero or one client connection for the XAL interface.
  • Zero or one client connection for the XMW interface.
  • Multiple Event Synchronization rules (requires XBP 3.0)
  • One JXBP connection (in isolated mode, you cannot have two or more of XBP, PI/XI or JXBP connections in the same SAP CPS object; see the license restrictions below)
  • One PI/XI connection (in isolated mode, you cannot have two or more of XBP, PI/XI or JXBP connections in the same SAP CPS object; see the license restrictions below)
For most interfaces a username, password and client number are required. If you do not set an XBP account, SAP CPS will not be able to connect to the ABAP stack of the SAP instance.
Likewise, you need to set up accounts in the JAVA stack for JXBP (Java Scheduler connectivity) and PI/XI (SAP Communication Channel connectivity).

Tags: Configuring the CPS Redwood Central and SAP Satellite Systems, Redwood Configuration Steps to connect to SAP satellite systems. How to connect Redwood and SAP Satellite Systems

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