How to Check your Redwood License

A license enables certain licensed features, features that require a license item include:

  • Scripting module
  • Mail module
  • SNMP module
  • Import/Export module
  • Expiration date
  • Number of SAP Systems
  • Number of platform agents
A license is made of license keys that have a value, the value can be a date, number, boolean or string.
When you lack a license key, that license key will automatically have the value of false.
Navigate to Configuration > License Keys to inspect your license.
Your license should look similar to the one below:
Module.Scripting                         true
Module.ImportExport                   true
ProcessServerService.External.limit      100
ProcessServerService.OS.limit           100
ProcessServerService.SAP.limit     2 
company.contract                   SLA-MSLN-PROD-1                           Masalan Inc 
product.expiry                           20100630 
request.requesting_version           M37 
signature  1;  


In the above license, the licensee can create 100 external schedulers in total, that could mean 100 OS process servers and no SAP process servers or 98 OS process servers and 2 SAP process servers, for example. It does not mean that the licensee can create 102 (100 OS and 2 SAP) process servers.

Tags: How to check your SAP Redwood License , SAP Redwood License contract details  , Redwood License Screen